7 Healthy Fatty Foods to Achieve a Flatter Belly

Contrary to popular belief, dietary fat is not the enemy when it comes to weight management. It can be incredibly satiating and, when chosen wisely, may even contribute to weight loss.  

In this article, we debunk the myth surrounding dietary fats and unveil the truth about how specific fat-laden foods can help you shed those unwanted pounds and maintain a healthy weight.

A 2-finger trick to reset blood sugar.

7 Healthy Fatty Foods to Achieve a Flatter Belly

How Do We Get Fat :

The 'experts' advised eliminating the so-called artery-clogging fats from your diet. However, they were mistaken! The global population experienced increased weight gain and health issues after medical professionals and nutritionists vilified fats. A worldwide obsession with low-fat and no-fat foods ensued.

Not all fats are harmful. There are essential, healthy fats that you should incorporate into your diet—rather than eliminate. Encouraging people to consume low-fat foods for optimal health was a misguided approach [1].

And look what happened to us!

As our diet evolved, so did our bodies—literally! Our health, weight, and shape all witnessed a decline. But it doesn't have to stay that way. Now is your opportunity to regain control."


Health Secrets from Previous Generations : 

In just a couple of generations, the truth about diet becomes apparent. In the days of our grandparents, nuts, cheese, eggs, fatty cuts of meat, full-fat dairy, and more were routine staples.

Obesity and type-2 diabetes were rare, and flatter bellies were the norm. Despite consuming more than before, it's the shifts in our diets that have led us into trouble.

Why We Should Eat More Fat :

Your body requires essential fatty acids, and any comprehensive diet includes healthy fats to provide them. These fatty acids are considered crucial because your body can't produce them, highlighting the necessity of acquiring them from your food.

Additionally, certain vital vitamins, such as A, D, E, and K, are fat-soluble. Insufficient fat in your diet hinders your body's ability to absorb these essential vitamins [2] [3].

Prioritize Carb Reduction Over Calorie Count : 

Scientists once promoted the idea that weight loss and maintenance hinged on calories—a seemingly straightforward formula. The logic was simple: consume more calories than you burn, and weight gain is inevitable. However, this conventional notion has proven untrue.


Choose to cut carbs, not calories. Opt for satisfying, low-carb, high-fat meals to naturally reduce your intake and minimize between-meal snacking.


 Let's dive into a lineup of 7 belly-flattening fatty foods.

#7 Coconut Oil :

 Coconut oil earns a top spot on the superfoods list, thanks to its rich content of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).


Current research on MCTs holds great a promise.

MCTs contribute to prolonged satiety, keeping you feeling full for longer. Furthermore, the body rapidly absorbs MCTs into the bloodstream, utilizing them as immediate fuel instead of storing them as fat [4].

Pure coconut oil's fatty acids nourish your gut, adrenals, and immune system, helping to balance hormones and support weight loss. It also shields against insulin resistance, preventing weight gain [5] [6]."




#6 Grass-Fed Steak :

 grass-fed steak—a flavorful and incredibly healthy choice to aid in belly fat loss. Choose the juicier, fattier cuts of this protein-rich delight for added benefits.


Chuck steaks (affordable), skirt, ribeye, and strip steaks boast the highest fat content among meat choices. 

Enjoying your succulent steak not only helps ward off iron deficiency but also offers a nutritional powerhouse. Packed with nine minerals, five B-complex vitamins, amino acids, and the beneficial compound L-carnitine, steak is a versatile source of essential nutrients.

L-carnitine plays a crucial role in lipid metabolism, converting your fat into energy [8] [9].

Beefsteak naturally contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a trans-fat known for reducing abdominal fat and enhancing insulin sensitivity. Studies indicate that CLA plays a role in countering insulin resistance, reducing hunger, and preventing weight gain [10].

#5 Cacao Nibs :

Cacao nibs are delightful, raw, and unprocessed chocolate chips that offer a fantastic taste. These small pieces of cocoa bean are naturally rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber [11].

These chocolatey chips can aid in losing belly fat and maintaining a healthy weight. A 2011 study discovered that cacao promotes satiety and reduces energy intake. Volunteers reported satisfaction after consuming cacao nibs and experienced no sweet cravings [12].

Raw cocoa is a nutritional powerhouse, earning its spot among superfoods. It boasts various minerals, including iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, and phosphorus. Your cacao nibs also provide robust plant compounds, featuring beneficial flavonoid antioxidants.

#4 Nuts & Seeds :

Several raw nuts and seeds are rich in dietary fiber, healthy fats, and protein, offering a nutritional boost with essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E and magnesium.

Pick these convenient snack options if you're committed to achieving a flatter belly. Include almonds, walnuts, pistachios, brazil nuts, cashews, flaxseeds, chia, pumpkin seeds, and more in your choices.

Numerous studies indicate that the consumption of nuts and seeds contributes to weight management.

Studies have demonstrated their positive impact on weight loss, particularly with pistachios and almonds [13] [14] [15] [16].

Replace saturated fats with healthier fats found in nuts and seeds to reduce LDL cholesterol levels.

The evidence supports incorporating raw nuts and seeds into any diet plan, unless, of course, you have a nut allergy.

ongoing research continues to unveil potential health benefits associated with these nutty snacks, indicating a potential reduction in the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and an increase in longevity [17] [18].


Are you nuts about nuts now?

#3 Olive Oil


Olive oil, particularly extra-virgin, offers various health benefits.

Rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), olive oil aids in stabilizing blood sugar levels. Normal blood sugar levels contribute to increased calorie utilization for energy, promoting overall weight loss, including reduction in belly fat.

Olive oil provides a feeling of fullness, curbing your appetite and preventing unnecessary snacking [19].

Furthermore, the monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) in olive oil promote smooth digestion and regular bowel movements. A healthy digestive system is crucial for fat loss and weight maintenance.


In contrast, an unhealthy diet will decrease your metabolism and impede your efforts to lose weight [20].


#2 Whole Eggs

Whole eggs are a fantastic low-carb, low-calorie food with a remarkable nutritional profile. They are cost-effective, simple to prepare, and provide numerous health benefits. Eggs deliver essential vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein, and healthy fats to your diet.


Eggs, rich in protein, can rev up your metabolism, potentially increasing calorie burn by up to 100 calories daily. The consumption of whole eggs initiates diet-induced thermogenesis, leading to enhanced calorie expenditure, contributing to a flatter belly [21].

The fat in whole eggs delays protein absorption, and the substantial protein content contributes to prolonged satiety, keeping you full for extended periods. This characteristic places eggs high on the satiety index [22] [23].

#1 Avocado

Although avocados are rich in carbs, they remain an outstanding choice for weight loss. The soluble fiber found in avocados enhances metabolic health and supports weight loss.

The monounsaturated fat, oleic fatty acids, and fiber in avocados contribute to slow absorption, leading to prolonged feelings of fullness and appetite suppression. This, in turn, helps regulate blood sugar levels, supporting weight loss [24]. 

In a study conducted at Penn State, participants who ingested 3 tablespoons of high-oleic oil daily for four weeks experienced an average 1.6% decrease in belly fat [25].

A research study published in Diabetes Care revealed that a diet rich in monounsaturated fat can prevent the accumulation of abdominal fat.

Avocados offer additional health advantages as well. They enhance nutrient absorption, reduce harmful LDL cholesterol, and may neutralize cell-damaging free radicals [26].


Endocrinologists Recommend: 2-Finger Trick To Reset Blood Sugar

Click Here

1.    https://www.health.harvard.edu//the-truth-about-fats/

2.    https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/why-your-body-needs-fat/

3.    https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/fat-soluble-vitamins/

4.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/MCTs-prevent-fat-accumulation/

5.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/MCTs-weight-loss/

6.    https://www.garvan.org.au/CO-protects-against-insulin-resistance/

7.    https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/20-minutes-to-feel-full/

8.    https://meatscience.org/nutrients-in-steak/

9.    https://www.webmd.com/l-carnitine-in-steak/

10.    https://www.nature.com/CLA-reduces-abdominal-fat/

11.    https://www.healthline.com/cacao-nibs-nutrition/

12.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/appetite-and-energy/

13.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/weight-management/

14.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/almond-enriched-LCD/

15.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pistachio-nuts/

16.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/almonds/

17.    https://www.everydayhealth.com/lower-high-cholesterol/

18.    https://www.health.harvard.edu/nutritionists-crazy-about-nuts/ 

19.    https://www.ndtv.com/olive-oil-promote-weight-loss/

20.    https://www.webmd.com/eat-your-way-to-a-faster-metabolism/

21.    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/diet-induced-thermogenesis/

22.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/high-protein-controls-appetite/

23.    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.goveggs-high-on-satiety-index/

24.    https://www.healthline.com/maintain-blood-sugar-levels/

25.    https://www.sciencedaily.com/penn-state-study/

26.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nutrient-intake/ 

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7 Healthy Fatty Foods to Achieve a Flatter Belly

Contrary to popular belief, dietary fat is not the enemy when it comes to weight management. It can be incredibly satiating and, when chosen wisely, may even contribute to weight loss.  

In this article, we debunk the myth surrounding dietary fats and unveil the truth about how specific fat-laden foods can help you shed those unwanted pounds and maintain a healthy weight.

A 2-finger trick to reset blood sugar.

How Do We Get Fat :

The 'experts' advised eliminating the so-called artery-clogging fats from your diet. However, they were mistaken! The global population experienced increased weight gain and health issues after medical professionals and nutritionists vilified fats. A worldwide obsession with low-fat and no-fat foods ensued.

Not all fats are harmful. There are essential, healthy fats that you should incorporate into your diet—rather than eliminate. Encouraging people to consume low-fat foods for optimal health was a misguided approach [1].

And look what happened to us!

As our diet evolved, so did our bodies—literally! Our health, weight, and shape all witnessed a decline. But it doesn't have to stay that way. Now is your opportunity to regain control."


Health Secrets from Previous Generations : 

In just a couple of generations, the truth about diet becomes apparent. In the days of our grandparents, nuts, cheese, eggs, fatty cuts of meat, full-fat dairy, and more were routine staples.

Obesity and type-2 diabetes were rare, and flatter bellies were the norm. Despite consuming more than before, it's the shifts in our diets that have led us into trouble.

Why We Should Eat More Fat :

Your body requires essential fatty acids, and any comprehensive diet includes healthy fats to provide them. These fatty acids are considered crucial because your body can't produce them, highlighting the necessity of acquiring them from your food.

Additionally, certain vital vitamins, such as A, D, E, and K, are fat-soluble. Insufficient fat in your diet hinders your body's ability to absorb these essential vitamins [2] [3].

Prioritize Carb Reduction Over Calorie Count : 

Scientists once promoted the idea that weight loss and maintenance hinged on calories—a seemingly straightforward formula. The logic was simple: consume more calories than you burn, and weight gain is inevitable. However, this conventional notion has proven untrue.


Choose to cut carbs, not calories. Opt for satisfying, low-carb, high-fat meals to naturally reduce your intake and minimize between-meal snacking.


 Let's dive into a lineup of 7 belly-flattening fatty foods.

#7 Coconut Oil :

 Coconut oil earns a top spot on the superfoods list, thanks to its rich content of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).


Current research on MCTs holds great a promise.

MCTs contribute to prolonged satiety, keeping you feeling full for longer. Furthermore, the body rapidly absorbs MCTs into the bloodstream, utilizing them as immediate fuel instead of storing them as fat [4].

Pure coconut oil's fatty acids nourish your gut, adrenals, and immune system, helping to balance hormones and support weight loss. It also shields against insulin resistance, preventing weight gain [5] [6]."




#6 Grass-Fed Steak :

 grass-fed steak—a flavorful and incredibly healthy choice to aid in belly fat loss. Choose the juicier, fattier cuts of this protein-rich delight for added benefits.


Chuck steaks (affordable), skirt, ribeye, and strip steaks boast the highest fat content among meat choices. 

Enjoying your succulent steak not only helps ward off iron deficiency but also offers a nutritional powerhouse. Packed with nine minerals, five B-complex vitamins, amino acids, and the beneficial compound L-carnitine, steak is a versatile source of essential nutrients.

L-carnitine plays a crucial role in lipid metabolism, converting your fat into energy [8] [9].

Beefsteak naturally contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a trans-fat known for reducing abdominal fat and enhancing insulin sensitivity. Studies indicate that CLA plays a role in countering insulin resistance, reducing hunger, and preventing weight gain [10].

#5 Cacao Nibs :

Cacao nibs are delightful, raw, and unprocessed chocolate chips that offer a fantastic taste. These small pieces of cocoa bean are naturally rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber [11].

These chocolatey chips can aid in losing belly fat and maintaining a healthy weight. A 2011 study discovered that cacao promotes satiety and reduces energy intake. Volunteers reported satisfaction after consuming cacao nibs and experienced no sweet cravings [12].

Raw cocoa is a nutritional powerhouse, earning its spot among superfoods. It boasts various minerals, including iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, and phosphorus. Your cacao nibs also provide robust plant compounds, featuring beneficial flavonoid antioxidants.

#4 Nuts & Seeds :

Several raw nuts and seeds are rich in dietary fiber, healthy fats, and protein, offering a nutritional boost with essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E and magnesium.

Pick these convenient snack options if you're committed to achieving a flatter belly. Include almonds, walnuts, pistachios, brazil nuts, cashews, flaxseeds, chia, pumpkin seeds, and more in your choices.

Numerous studies indicate that the consumption of nuts and seeds contributes to weight management.

Studies have demonstrated their positive impact on weight loss, particularly with pistachios and almonds [13] [14] [15] [16].

Replace saturated fats with healthier fats found in nuts and seeds to reduce LDL cholesterol levels.

The evidence supports incorporating raw nuts and seeds into any diet plan, unless, of course, you have a nut allergy.

ongoing research continues to unveil potential health benefits associated with these nutty snacks, indicating a potential reduction in the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and an increase in longevity [17] [18].


Are you nuts about nuts now?

#3 Olive Oil


Olive oil, particularly extra-virgin, offers various health benefits.

Rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), olive oil aids in stabilizing blood sugar levels. Normal blood sugar levels contribute to increased calorie utilization for energy, promoting overall weight loss, including reduction in belly fat.

Olive oil provides a feeling of fullness, curbing your appetite and preventing unnecessary snacking [19].

Furthermore, the monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) in olive oil promote smooth digestion and regular bowel movements. A healthy digestive system is crucial for fat loss and weight maintenance.


In contrast, an unhealthy diet will decrease your metabolism and impede your efforts to lose weight [20].


#2 Whole Eggs

Whole eggs are a fantastic low-carb, low-calorie food with a remarkable nutritional profile. They are cost-effective, simple to prepare, and provide numerous health benefits. Eggs deliver essential vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein, and healthy fats to your diet.


Eggs, rich in protein, can rev up your metabolism, potentially increasing calorie burn by up to 100 calories daily. The consumption of whole eggs initiates diet-induced thermogenesis, leading to enhanced calorie expenditure, contributing to a flatter belly [21].

The fat in whole eggs delays protein absorption, and the substantial protein content contributes to prolonged satiety, keeping you full for extended periods. This characteristic places eggs high on the satiety index [22] [23].

#1 Avocado

Although avocados are rich in carbs, they remain an outstanding choice for weight loss. The soluble fiber found in avocados enhances metabolic health and supports weight loss.

The monounsaturated fat, oleic fatty acids, and fiber in avocados contribute to slow absorption, leading to prolonged feelings of fullness and appetite suppression. This, in turn, helps regulate blood sugar levels, supporting weight loss [24]. 

In a study conducted at Penn State, participants who ingested 3 tablespoons of high-oleic oil daily for four weeks experienced an average 1.6% decrease in belly fat [25].

A research study published in Diabetes Care revealed that a diet rich in monounsaturated fat can prevent the accumulation of abdominal fat.

Avocados offer additional health advantages as well. They enhance nutrient absorption, reduce harmful LDL cholesterol, and may neutralize cell-damaging free radicals [26].

7 Healthy Fatty Foods to Achieve a Flatter Belly

Endocrinologists Recommend: 2-Finger Trick To Reset Blood Sugar

1.    https://www.health.harvard.edu//the-truth-about-fats/

2.    https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/why-your-body-needs-fat/

3.    https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/fat-soluble-vitamins/

4.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/MCTs-prevent-fat-accumulation/

5.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/MCTs-weight-loss/

6.    https://www.garvan.org.au/CO-protects-against-insulin-resistance/

7.    https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/20-minutes-to-feel-full/

8.    https://meatscience.org/nutrients-in-steak/

9.    https://www.webmd.com/l-carnitine-in-steak/

10.    https://www.nature.com/CLA-reduces-abdominal-fat/

11.    https://www.healthline.com/cacao-nibs-nutrition/

12.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/appetite-and-energy/

13.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/weight-management/

14.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/almond-enriched-LCD/

15.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pistachio-nuts/

16.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/almonds/

17.    https://www.everydayhealth.com/lower-high-cholesterol/

18.    https://www.health.harvard.edu/nutritionists-crazy-about-nuts/ 

19.    https://www.ndtv.com/olive-oil-promote-weight-loss/

20.    https://www.webmd.com/eat-your-way-to-a-faster-metabolism/

21.    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/diet-induced-thermogenesis/

22.    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/high-protein-controls-appetite/

23.    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.goveggs-high-on-satiety-index/

24.    https://www.healthline.com/maintain-blood-sugar-levels/

25.    https://www.sciencedaily.com/penn-state-study/

26.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nutrient-intake/